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Skinstant Mask Magic!

My favorite part of any skin routine is definitely Masks! Any shape, form, color, treatment, I love them all! Recently I bought a mini mask kit from Sephora, and it was well worth it.. 

In this kit you get 3 different masks, that do 3 completely different things.  Cucumber Gel Mask:

This mask is super gentle, perfect for any skin type. When I applied it, it felt like I was layering on a really rich, moisturizing lotion! It felt so smooth, and nice on my skin. 

  1. Refreshing

  2. Cooling

  3. Moisturizing

  4. Calming

  5. Perfect for sensitive, and dry skins

This mask is full of very helpful ingredients to help detoxify that dry skin of yours! 

  1. Cucumber

  2. Papaya

  3. Pineapple

  4. Chamomile 

  5. Sugar Maple

  6. Sugarcane

  7. Orange

  8. Lemon

  9. Bilberry

  10. Aloe

Pumpkin Enzyme Mask

If you’re looking for a mask that you can feel working, then this is the one for you! I love when you can feel like warming, tingling feel from masks, because it means the ingredients are actually working! And this mask….smells like pumpkin pie, try not eating your face!

  1. Powerful

  2. Exfoliating

  3. Highly Effective

  4. Dissolves dead skin cells

  5. Removes dull surfaces on your skin

  6. Polishes skin

The ingredients in this mask are sure to give you fast and satisfying results!

  1. Pumpkin Enzyme

  2. Alpha Hydroxy Acid

  3. Aluminum Oxide Crystals  

Rose Stem Cell Mask

The last time I tested out a rose-based mask it didn’t too out too well. So I have been nervous to test this one out… But in time I will! But even though I haven’t shouldn’t steer you away from it! 

  1. Cooling

  2. Soothing

  3. Correct visible aging

  4. Tightens pores

  5. Anti-redness

  6. Rebuilds moisture barrier

  7. Softens skin

And of course, there are some powerful ingredients in this mask to help achieve all of those above!

  1. Desert Rose

  2. Damask Rose

  3. Rose Commiphora 

  4. Pale Rose

I’m very satisfied so far with this mask purchase, I’ve gotten a couple of uses out of such small containers…that’s always a plus! If you’re interested in any of these masks, or all 3! You can purchase them from!

Skinstant Mask Magic is $45.00. (All 3) Cucumber Gel Mask is $52.00 Rose Stem Cell is $52.00 Pumpkin Enzyme is $58.00


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