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Makeup Storage & Organization!

I used to be one of those people that had just started getting into makeup, and all of my makeup fit in a medium sized travel cosmetics bag…not anymore! Before I lived in a house with enough space to have my own makeup vanity and tons of makeup storage. But now I live in a smaller space, and had to downsize my makeup collection (SO SAD I KNOW), but I make it work!

Three Tiered Plastic container unit


Only $9.99 which you can get here⇒ .Each drawer has specific products in it.

  1. Top Drawer: Face Products, Eyeliners, Mascara, and Eye Primers.

  2. Middle Drawer: Lipsticks, Lip Glosses, Lip Stains, Face Masks, and Brush Holder.

  3. Bottom Drawer: Makeup Palettes


Smaller plastic storage cups for tall, skinny products. Such as Mascara, Eye Primers, and Eyeliner. I couldn’t find the same storage cups I got from Target, but I found


These drawer organizers are perfect for my face makeup products! And for my lips products!


You can get these at For only $5.99


There isn’t much space to have my brushes separated into fancy storage classes. So I have a big enough travel brush case. And I love it! You can get it here for $11.99.

Finally my glorious palettes!


My palettes get their own space in the last drawer of my three tiered storage container.

Do you have any tips of makeup storage and organization for small spaces? Let me know!


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