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Life & Career Goals for 2021

I thought I would put out a blog post that's quite different from my normal content. I think talking about our goals with each other is important, we can brainstorm together, help each other along the way. Sometimes I forget how big the community is that I'm in. And I forget that I can always ask for input and help with my goals. With everything going on in the world, like the pandemic, it's important to remember that we have each other to lean on.

I'm going to start with my life goals, because those are always the most important!

• Loose Weight

• Eat Better

• Exercise

• Work on my mental health

• Better spending habits

Loosing weight, eating better and exercising fall into the same category. But I want to hold myself accountable for each one. Since the pandemic and quitting my toxic job, I have gained weight. Some people might think "What are you talking about, you're still so skinny!" But in hindsight, I'm not. I've gained over 20lbs, and that's a lot for someone that's always been really skinny. But it's not really the weight gain that bothers me, it's how I got the weight gain. By being lazy, eating bad, not moving enough. My first step was buying an exercise mat, this way I have some extra cushion when doing a workout. I also bought myself a weighted Hula Hoop, and I still got it! Hula hooping is probably the easiest way to slowly get back into exercising. It's not too hard on your body, especially if you start out slow. I'm currently doing a challenge where I start with 5 minutes a day, and within a week the time frame goes up about 2 minutes each time. Eventually I'll get to 30 minute Hula Hoop sessions.

Better spending habits has always been a struggle of mine, I get really excited when new products come out, not only because I want to test it out and review it for you guys, I want to "Treat Myself", and sometimes....I treat myself too much. I always have the money to pay my bills, but I stopped having a savings when the pandemic started, and I want to slowly get back into having one. Even adding $5 a week to my savings is way better than not adding anything at all. I also need to be better about my credit cards, I recently was approved for an Ulta Credit Card, it's kind of dangerous haha.. But I make sure to always make my payments! But limiting my spending would definitely help me keep good standings with all of my credit cards and get my credit score up!

Now for career goals!

• Publishing at least 2 blog posts a week

• Be more active on Instagram

• Start my new Resin Art business!

Publishing 2 blog posts a week can be difficult, sometimes I get in a slump and I honestly do not feel like writing anything. And that's okay! Mental health is more important than content online. But I need to be held more accountable and more consistent with my blog. I just need to grab my Hufflepuff planner and work out future blog posts and make sure I follow through!

Creating content for Instagram can be so much fun, and mentally draining. You take pictures that you're so confident about, and proud of. But then you don't get the amount likes and interaction on that post as much as you'd hope. And that can be challenging, and I think everyone goes through that. But I have to keep going, and making content for the followers I know always support me with whatever I post!

I'm so excited about this last one! Resin Art! I never realized the amount of items you can create with resin, and how creative you can get! I recently purchased all the items I need to get started! I know it'll take time and lots of practice, but I'm excited and I hope this will be a way for me to earn an income. I will be started out with making Disney inspired keychains, and earrings! If you're interested follow my Instagram: Beautyfrenzies to keep updated with my journey! And hopefully soon I'll have enough finished product to sell to you guys! If you're interested in the items I purchased to start this small business let me know in the comments! I can do an entire blog post about it! And remember I am in no way an expert, I'm brand new and learning as I go.

I believe that's it for my Life and Career goals. I'm sure there are many more I have, but these are the BIG ones I need to focus on. Tell me what your goals are! Maybe we can help each other :)


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