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How To: Promote Your Blog

     I have been blogging for over 4 years! That’s quite a while…at least in my opinion. Especially with having 3 different full time jobs in that time frame. I’ve had my promotional struggles with my blog in the past, and in the present. There are just some days where I don’t get much attention on my blog. And to be completely honest, that’s disappointing, but hey! I’m still here…writing my heart out!

      Being consistent with posts is my biggest weakness when it comes to blogging. I just don’t always have the hours in the day, or the energy after a long work day. But I like to at least post once a week, because it makes me happy. And I hope it makes my readers happy too!

     So you’re sitting there writing up the perfect blog post, but have no idea how to get word out about it on the internet?! Well I’m gonna talk to you about the social media platforms that work best for me!


Instagram is always my go-to for any blog promoting. It’s simple, quick, and free. But there are a few things you need for a good post that people will be intrigued by.

  1. Eye catching caption

Ask your audience a question to increase comments and interaction.

Alternate with trending and low-trending hashtags (#). This way your post doesn’t get cluttered with the other million people that used the same hashtag.

  1. Good quality photo

You don’t have to be a professional, but high quality, crisp photos catch eyes.

Try to stick with the same filter, or similar. This will give your pictures a better flow.

  1. Engage with people

−If someone comments on your photo (genuinely and not a bot) reply to them, this will show that you care enough to read their comment, and you’ve taken time to respond.

Like fellow Instagram posters posts! And comment, help get their engagement up too! Remember, we’re all in this together.


Personally I actually don’t promote that much on my own blogs Facebook page, but I love getting the opportunity to promote myself on Facebook Groups! Obviously don’t spam those groups, and always read the rules about self-promotion.Frequent posts

−Be consistent with your Facebook page, you want to keep a presence, not disappear like a ghost on the internet who pops up once in a blue moon.

For Facebook Groups, don’t just post your link, engage with the members. Tell them what your post is about, ask them questions!


You might think Google isn’t the greatest, most efficient way to promote yourself, but I’ve actually noticed when I post to Google Communities, a lot of my views and visitors come from there.Post in the right places

Make sure you’re posting your new blog post in community groups that share the same niche as your blog, or post. So if you posted a makeup look, post it in a makeup group!

Don’t just post the link, post what the link is about! That way it isn’t so generic.


I absolutely love Pinterest. But it’s the toughest platform I’ve found to promoting my blog. I haven’t made the decision yet to change it to a business page. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow… I get a few re-pins here and there. But I won’t give up!

  1. Pictures

−Make sure your picture for your pin is eye-catching. That’s exactly what I go for when I’m browsing away. If it’s a pretty picture, that’s in my niche, I’m definitely going to click on it!

Make sure you have a clear title about your pin. I want to know exactly what I’m getting myself into when clicking on a pin. I don’t like seeing random gibberish, it just shows that you obviously don’t care enough to title your stuff properly.

If you’re pinning about a blog post, or any website for that matter, always include the link in the website spot when making a pin. It sucks when you see an awesome makeup look or picture of a product, and the pin literally takes you nowhere…

♥ I hope this helped you guys get a little more insight on a few social media platforms, and how to get them right. I feel like no matter how long you’ve been blogging, there are always new things to learn from each other. So make sure you’re engaging with one another!


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