Healthy Food, Healthy Skin!
A lot of people forget that skincare products aren’t the only thing to help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy and young. Today I’m gonna run through some food items that can help you achieve young and healthy skin!
Fish: All fish contains Zinc and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Those two components help reduce dryness and inflammation. Having inflammation can cause the skin to age at a faster rate. Omega-3 Fatty Acids help keep the hearts arteries clear which improves circulation; that’s very good for skin health.
Citrus Fruits: All of the citrus fruits are full of Vitamin C; this helps with preventing wrinkles and will tighten up your skin. Vitamin C can also help reduce inflammation and the Vitamin C antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals (Highly reactive oxygen molecules) which damages cells and can prematurely age your face.
Red & Green Veggies: Orange-red vegetables are packed full of Beta-Carotene, our body converts Beta-carotene into Vitamin A which acts as an antioxidant which prevents cell damage and premature aging. Green veggies provide a ton of Vitamin A which helps your skin produce more new cells and get rid of the old ones and reduces dryness.
Nuts: All nuts are full of Vitamin E especially Almonds, Vitamin E fights skin aging free radicals and protects the skin from sun damage due to U-V sunlight-generated free radicals. Vitamin E also helps your skin hold in moisture which relieves dryness and helps the skin look younger.
Whole Grain: All whole grain foods, which has Wheat Germ in it, is full of B-Vitamin which assists cells in processing fats. Whole grain can help improve your complexion.
Water: It’s always good to stay dehydrate, not just for your health but for your skin as well! Staying hydrated with water can help decrease those awful dark circles most people get under their eyes. Best way to keep yourself dark circle free and hydrated is to drink up to 6-8 cups of water a day.
Chocolate: Chocolate isn’t only “Good for the soul” but its also good for your skin! Cocoa hydrates your skin, which makes it firmer and more supple. Also the caffeine in chocolate can temporarily reduce skin puffiness.
Watermelon: Have blemishes that you want rid of? Didn’t know just eating watermelon could help do the trick! Watermelon is full of Vitamin A, B and C. It keeps the skin fresh, radiant and hydrated. Watermelon also prevents eruption of acne and can remove acne scars.
As you can see there are so many different types of foods that are great for your skin! Just remember to keep up with having a well balanced diet and add these food items throughout that diet to keep your skin looking better than ever!