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Getaway to Santa Cruz Part 2: Redwoods Adventure

     One of the main things I wanted to do when we got to Santa Cruz was getting a chance to go to the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. I’ve been there before, a few years ago with my sister. But I love it so much, that I had to go again!


Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park is home to over 40 acres of redwood trees. There are so many activities you can take part in here. They have a campsite you can either tent camp or rv camp. You can hike and explore the property on foot, bicycle or by horseback. Plan picnics, swim in the little creek (I didn’t even know about the creek last time!)

     If you keep walking past the Redwood Grove, you can discover 4 different habitats: grasslands, river/riparian, sandhills, and redwoods. The picture down below is known as Garden of Eden. A cute little watering hole.


     I think one of my favorites at the park is the tallest redwood! Standing at 277 feet! It’s hard to get it all in one picture, but trust me, I tried.



     I found myself having nostalgia for the movie Stand by Me (and if you haven’t seen it, well…get to it!) And in my next photo you’ll understand why


     There is a running train that you can take through the park, so trust me, we didn’t stay on the tracks long! But I just loved the way the train tracks and nature melted into one!

     I loved how fresh it was there, being surrounded by nature. No car horns blowing and not a sign of smog and pollution floating around in the air.


If you’re looking for something fun a easy to do while in Santa Cruz (or nearby), I definitely recommend the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. It’s $10 for all day parking, and the rest of the adventure is free! 

♦ If you want a bigger adventure in the redwoods you can take the Redwood Forest Steam Train! It takes you through the redwoods and the summit of Bear Mountain. It costs $32 for adults 13 and up, and $23 for ages 2-12. You get a full history of the places, courtesy of your train conductor. ♦

*This post isn’t sponsored or paid for in anyway*


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